The National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data: Measuring the Economic and Financial Value of The Great Barrier Reef. The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system supporting a wide diversity of life. In a world first, this new Deloitte Access Economics report, for the Great Barrier Reef Foundation (with support from National Australia Bank and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority) calculates the total economic, social and icon asset value of the Reef. For example, the environmental cost of the extension to the Abbot Point coal terminal can be compared to any economic benefits. Deloitte Access Economics has valued the Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per year. Deloitte Access Economics has valued the Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per year. Assigning a value to the reef might still be appropriate under the Precautionary Principle, to estimate the maximum loss. But more importantly, the methodology in the report leaves out the most important non-market value that the reef provides, which are called ecosystem services. For example, it is difficult to make sure that respondents are stating realistic amounts in their willingness to pay. That's more than 12 Sydney Opera Houses, or the cost of building Australia's new submarines. More than the jobs it supports and the value it adds to the economy each year, the Great Barrier Reef is valued at $56 billion as an Australian economic, social and iconic asset. This report sends a clear message that the Great Barrier Reef – as an ecosystem, as an economic driver, as a global treasure – is too big to fail.” The point is that big numbers can grab headlines, but unless all of the caveats in the report are read, taken into account and reported, the big number can be, and often is, reported out of context, leading to suspicion and confusion. The Great Barrier Reef generates 64,000 jobs in Australia and contributes $6.4 billion dollars to the national economy, the report said. Credit: Wikipedia Deloitte Access Economics has valued the Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per … Our research has shown the Great Barrier Reef contributed $6.4 billion in value added and over 64,000 jobs to the Australian economy in 2015–16 (direct and indirect). Yet this figure grossly underestimates the value of the reef, as it mainly focuses on tourism and the reef’s role as an Australian icon. For example, if it is even remotely possible that the extension to the Abbot Point coal terminal could lead to massive destruction of the reef, then precaution suggests that it shouldn’t go ahead. ABN 82 090 616 443. total economic, social and icon asset value, supported by the Reef – more than Qantas, Telstra or Kmart. Yet this figure grossly underestimates the value of the reef, as it mainly focuses on tourism and the reef… Putting a price on the Great Barrier Reef buys into the notion that a cost-benefit analysis is the right way to make decisions on policies and projects that may affect the reef. 1901), L’expertise universitaire, l’exigence journalistique, Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) Western Sydney University apporte un financement en tant que membre adhérent de The Conversation AU. Deloitte Access Economics has valued the Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per year. The reef is a very popular destination for tourists, especially in the Whitsunday Islands and Cairns regions. Image: Turtle and Diver on the Great Barrier Reef. Yet this figure grossly underestimates the value of the reef, as it mainly focuses on tourism and the reef’s role as an Australian icon. Ultimately, the protection and prioritisation of the Great Barrier Reef is a political issue that requires political will, and not one that can be solved by pricing and economics. The contribution to employment of a healthy Great Barrier Reef to Australia’s economy is estimated at 53,800 full time jobs. This means the ecosystem services it provides are worth trillions of dollars per year. ISBN 1 876945 51 6 (Online). They may conflate this environmental issue with all environmental issues. The Foundation provides its donors with official receipts for Australian tax purposes. Deloitte Access Economics has valued the Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per year. Bibliography. ref; The annual value of flood risk reduction provided by U.S. coral reefs is more than $1.805 billion in 2010 U.S. dollars. This is Australia’s Reef. Its biodiversity may be priceless, but the Great Barrier Reef has a real economic value — 56 billion Australian dollars ($42.5 billion) of real economic value, to be precise, a new report finds. This is a survey-based methodology, and is commonly used to measure the value of non-market environmental assets such as endangered species and national parks – as well as to calculate the impact of events such as oil spills. It also provides a breakdown of the economic contribution by natural resource management region. A study has valued the Great Barrier Reef at US $42 billion, with its value as an ecosystem and economic driver labelled 'too big to fail.' The problem being addressed • Public funding is being allocated to protect the GBR – And there are substantial calls for more ... Assessing total economic value for protecting the Great Barrier Reef. Great Barrier Reef (Qld.)--Management. The report also uses the travel-cost method, which estimates willingness to pay for the Great Barrier Reef, based on the time and money that people spend to visit it. Of course, all methods of valuing environmental assets have limitations. Écrivez un article et rejoignez une communauté de plus de 122 600 universitaires et chercheurs de 3 932 institutions. The Great Barrier Reef has a economic, social and icon asset value of $56 billion. Deloitte Access Economics calculated the … That's the "total asset value" according to a new Deloitte Access Economics report that calculates the World Heritage site's full economic, social and iconic brand value for the first time. Australians and the international community value the Great Barrier Reef for a range of reasons. Deloitte Access Economics has valued the Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per year. The Great Barrier Reef cannot. In 2009, the Foundation commissioned Oxford Economics to undertake an analysis of the total economic value of the Great Barrier Reef and the effects of bleaching in 2009. Previous studies of the economic value of the Great Barrier Reef have focused on its contribution to Voir les partenaires de The Conversation France. From a global perspective, the Great Barrier Reef’s importance to the planet and to biodiversity is paramount. Some reasons are more concrete such as their belief in its importance for tourism, while some are more abstract such as their belief that Australia would just not be ‘the same’ without it. This figure captures the broader aspects of why we value the Reef, and cannot be added to the annual economic contribution figure. Considering this, the Reef is critical to supporting economic activity and jobs in Australia. Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, PO Box 1379, Townsville, Qld 4810. Ecosystem services in the Great Barrier Reef Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) report6 analyzed 80 coral reef valuation studies, and Brander et al.7 collected information on 166 differ- ent coral reef valuation studies, using a subset of 52 of those studies to conduct a meta-analysis. Economic Contribution of the Great Barrier Reef by Deloitte Access Economics - 2013, Valuing the effects of Great Barrier Reef bleaching by Oxford Economics - 2009. ref The economic, social and icon value of the Great Barrier Reef” followed by a panel discussion with the Authors and QUT Associate Professor Louisa Coglan on the important role of economics in decisions regarding our environment. When you include aspects of the reef that the report excludes, such as the ecosystem services provided by coral reefs, you find that the reef is priceless. This was found to be A$67.60 per person per year. © 2021 Great Barrier Reef Foundation. The problem being addressed • Public funding is being allocated to protect the GBR – And there are substantial calls for more ... Assessing total economic value for protecting the Great Barrier Reef. Yet this figure grossly underestimates the value of the reef, as it mainly focuses on tourism and the reef’s role as an Australian icon. The report estimates the Great Barrier Reef’s: The first way of valuing the Reef is through its annual contribution to the Australian economy in terms of value added (Gross Domestic Product) and employment. Droits d'auteur © 2010–2021, The Conversation France (assoc. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth. A valuation of the Great Barrier Reef illustrates many common issues in the economics of environmental valuation. For example, coral reefs provide storm protection and erosion protection, and they are the nurseries for 25% of all marine animals which themselves have commercial and existence value. In November 2014, Google launched Google Underwater Street View in 3D of the Great Barrier Reef. ref When you include aspects of the reef that the report excludes, such as the ecosystem services provided by coral reefs, you find that the reef … Deloitte Access Economics has valuedthe Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per year. It is a World Heritage Site, named one of the seven natural wonders of the underwater world and contributes $6.5 billion a year to the Queensland economy. That's more than 12 Sydney Opera Houses, or the cost of building Australia's new submarines. The study estimates that the value-added economic contribution of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area to the Australian economy in 2011-12 was $5.68 billion and it … The Reef is an irreplaceable global icon. The livelihoods and businesses it supports across Australia far exceeds the numbers supported by many industries we would consider too big to fail. Deloitte Access Economics has valued the Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per year. Deloitte Access Economics has valued the Great Barrier Reef at A$56 billion, with an economic contribution of A$6.4 billion per year. It supports 64,000 jobs and contributes $6.4 billion to the Australian economy. That’s the conclusion of a new report “Investing in the Great Barrier Reef as economic infrastructure” commissioned by tourism operators, farmers, and conservationists. While the Precautionary Principle has been much maligned due to its perceived bias against development, it is a key element of the definition of Ecologically Sustainable Development in Australia’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. When environmental assets are irreplaceable and their loss irreversible, a more appropriate decision-making framework is the Precautionary Principle. 1. For instance, using Deloitte’s figure, The Australian newspaper compared the reef to the value of 12 Sydney Opera Houses. Stoeckl et al. In August 2008, the Great Barrier Reef Foundation commissioned Oxford Economics to undertake a study of the costs of a total and permanent bleaching on the Reef to the Cairns region and, as part of that study, to reassess the value of the Reef. Yet this figure grossly underestimates the value of the reef, as it mainly focuses on tourism and the reef's role as an Australian icon. Neil Perry ne travaille pas, ne conseille pas, ne possède pas de parts, ne reçoit pas de fonds d'une organisation qui pourrait tirer profit de cet article, et n'a déclaré aucune autre affiliation que son organisme de recherche. In our research, the Great Barrier Reef left other Australian land-based natural assets far behind in terms of visitor preference, reputation and experience. Bibliography. Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, PO Box 1379, Townsville, Qld 4810. $56 billion – that’s the total value of the Great Barrier Reef as calculated by the Deloitte Access Economics report published today; a value calculated by assessing its economic, social and iconic brand values together. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) provides economic and community benefits in the form of tourism, employment, cultural services (tourism and participation in cultural activities) and provisioning services (aquaculture, fish, etc.). ref; At least 94 countries and territories benefit from reef tourism. Marine condition is likely to impact the future economic and community benefits provided by this unique ecosystem. For a priceless asset like the Great Barrier Reef, it is perhaps better to leave it as “priceless” and to act accordingly.
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