4. Even als het hart zo teder is, dat het, wanneer het ook maar het allerminste gewond wordt, aanstonds met het leven van den mens gedaan is, zo is het ook in het geestelijke. Ver. Conversing much with the heart, observing the tendencies of the affections with care, and endeavouring to preserve always a just sense of things upon the mind, will be found of the greatest use. Your heart, corrupted as it is, will cause your destruction, if you do not employ all your care, in dependence on the blessing of God, to guard it well; to observe its motions, to regulate its inclinations, to repress its sallies. It is bad enough to have an empty head, but an empty heart is worse still. A pathological; it is the fountain of life, through which the blood passes, to be distributed to every part of the system. I. To enjoy unrestrained the full range of imagination appears to them the native right and privilege of man. A man’s happiness consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses. Now, Christianity turns man’s attention to himself. No secret longings and side-glances after forbidden things, no crooked by-ends and hypocritical pretences. Because of the influence which the state of the heart has upon the conduct. Angry thoughts have to be taken into consideration; the passion of anger; the first starts or sallies of this passion; the deliberate and settled consent of the will to it. We should keep our hearts in a state of--. The heart in the body of man is the centre of life. 5. 4. By such a careful attention to ourselves we shall find out the deceitfulness of sin, and those snares which prejudice conceals from the unthinking; we shall be able to resist temptations with firmness and resolution; for in truth, the success of them, where they do prevail, is in a great measure owing to carelessness and inattention. It is full of blind impulses, and hungry desires, which take no heed of any law but their own satisfaction. Let us examine--though I am not the watchmaker--God is the watchmaker: the main-spring is the heart. 1. We are formed for action; and when the powers are not employed in something worthy, they are likely enough to find employment of another sort. You have then to do with a God who searches the heart. Every one knows, that “a house divided against itself, falleth;” and a divided heart must become a prey to the great adversary of God and man. Découvrez les citations de nombreuses personnalités et les proverbes du monde entier. That divine Power is exerted for our keeping on condition of our trusting ourselves to Him and trusting Him for ourselves. 1. A sound head may often be consistent with a corrupt heart. We all want more heart in our Master’s service. “A little leaven will soon leaven the whole lump.”], [Grace is planted in the heart: it has no other residence: it may operate by the members: but its seat is in the heart. The best time to ponder any path is not at the end, not even at the middle, but at the beginning of it. There never yet was a man who thought that by his mind he could steer his own course through the world that did not find his heart steal a march upon him. Whatever difference there may be in natural dispositions, settled depravity of temper, without any effort to correct it, can arise only from the deep and unaltered corruption of our hearts. The phrase ‘with all diligence’ is literally ‘above all guarding,’ and energetically expresses the supremacy of this keeping. 8. Matthew 12:34-35 with this verse). Here the morality of our thoughts begins. It is to exercise the strictest vigilance over our thoughts, and to subject them to the most rigid scrutiny, for the purpose of suppressing, upon its first appearance, what is base, impious, or unjust, and of giving every possible encouragement to the slightest emotions of piety and benevolence. II. If the reins are thrown on the necks of these untamed horses, they will drag the man to destruction. But we must not give up our mind as a prey to melancholy, and wilfully indulge our sorrows. How much that depends upon the temper and disposition of the heart is easily seen from Scripture, history, and daily experience. Uit een boos goddeloos hart komen allerlei verkeerdheden voort en uit een aanvankelijk gereinigd hart de vrucht des nieuwen levens. But it is his reason as manifested in his active and moral powers. Pray that God will pour good thoughts--His grace--into your heart: that is water. Converse with discreet and pious persons; reading good books, and especially the Bible; taking times for meditation; and fervent and constant prayer to God. Our second text tells us whence the relieving force must come. What power a man hath over his own thoughts! ), What is imported in keeping the heart, and the best means of doing it. 6. Who can reflect on David’s adultery and murder, or on Peter’s denial of his Lord with oaths and curses, and not see reason to cry continually to God, “Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe!”, Thus then we see, it is not enough to keep our hearts, but we must “keep them with all diligence,” engaging in the work with earnestness, and maintaining it with constancy and perseverance to the latest hour of our lives. Orthodoxy is not probity. But the dangers of the heart are not merely external. To the Hebrew thinkers the heart was the indivisible, central unity which manifested itself in the whole of the outward life. I. Independent of all action, it is, in truth, the state of the heart itself which forms our character in the sight of God. 1. See notes on Proverbs 2:12 and Proverbs 6:12, the only other examples of frowardness of mouth. You cannot “keep” it yourself; therefore often take it to God: ask Him to keep your heart. Seulement, prends garde à toi et veille attentivement sur ton âme, tous les jours de ta vie, de peur que tu n'oublies les choses que tes yeux ont vues, et qu'elles ne sortent de ton coeur; enseigne-les à tes enfants et aux enfants de tes enfants. The particular instruction relating to it—. The importance of this exercise. Hoe veel te meer moeten wij dan nu het hart der ziele, ons gemoed, onzen wil en geneigdheid boven alles wat te bewaren is, bewaren. Oppose early the beginnings of passion. The Law pays no attention to man’s weakness, and points no finger to the source of strength. ‘As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.’ The heart is the man. 1. Hierin zijn alle plichten van enen deurwaarder vervat, die ons herinneren, dat wij acht moeten geven, wie in- en uitgaat, welke gedachten in het hart ingaan en welke begeerten en lusten naar buiten lopen; dat wij het hart binnen en te huis houden, dat het zijne ogen niet nawandele, dat wij de verzoekingen afwijzen en er ons niet mede inlaten. Not because it is totally corrupt, but because it is not centrally dedicated--because God is not invited and admitted to the inner shrine, to rule thence with His wisdom and purity, so that you shall consciously live for Him. One of the miseries of old transgressions is, that it mars the keeping of the heart. The heart is a temple. 1) Er is ene dubbele levensspreuk in dit gezegde, dat misschien den hoogsten top van fraaiheid en vernuft in den spreuk-stijl bereikt. Whilst we sleep he is awake. Prayer is, or ought to be, the expression of human dependance upon God--the throwing ourselves upon His protecting wisdom and power and love. The power of speech is one of the grand peculiarities which distinguish man. (H. Stowell, M. 2. 2. Those who ponder after they have entered it are not in a position either to obtain the truth or to profit by it. 5. I reiterate what I have tried to show in these poor words. To keep the heart while in this state, would only be to shut up the enemy within the wails. Therefore leave it with me, and come again in a few days, and I will tell you what is the matter with it.” John went again to him in a few days, and the watchmaker said to him, “I opened your watch, and I found there was the right number of wheels, and pins, and screws; but I found a little part called ‘the spring’ which was wrong; and because the main-spring was wrong, it sometimes went too fast, and sometimes too slow.” Now, I think, you are all like watches. A sect of ancient philosophers condemned all emotion, held every passion to be culpable, because inconsistent with that serenity of temper, that equal tranquillity of mind, which they thought should ever be preserved. When do our passions become culpable? It is, therefore, his work to regulate as well the internal workings of his soul as his external actions, to settle his thoughts on due objects, to bend his inclinations into a right frame, to constrain his affections within due bounds, to ground his purposes on honest reasons, and direct them unto lawful matters. A full reservoir is not enough; the water must be clean. John Sharp. Shall men let those streams be tainted at the fountain-head? Compare Matthew 15:19. The sin becomes great as it grows into action. II. Nu pofti mancarurile lui alese, caci sunt o hrana inselatoare. Explain the meaning of this precept. De la production du sens dans le proverbe. This is our central foe. If you would keep your heart, be often looking up to Him who made it. To oppose and to destroy this natural and sinful bias is one of the great aims of the religion of the Bible; and where this has been in no measure secured it is a mournful proof that the heart has never been brought or kept under the influence of religion at all. The citadel which the Christian has to guard. Your heart it is that makes your life to flow, fair, radiant, or poor, poverty-stricken, cold, dead. . Allowing for this, there is still much scope for the government of our thoughts. The remedy, in company or in solitude, is to guard, as far as in us lies, “the first springs of thought and will.” By every spiritual man an attempt is made to bring the region of the heart--the motives, desires, affections--under the sceptre of Christ. Wel is waar maken niet alle dwalingen in het verstand den mens onbekwaam tot geestelijk leven, alleen wanneer de wil verdorven en de neigingen verkeerd zijn, zo is er geen geestelijk leven in den mens mogelijk. II. We need an outward motive which will stimulate and stir to effort. (Bp. The stream parts into many heads, but it has one fountain. (Essex Congregational Remembrancer.). Does not the tongue sometimes go too fast or too slow? And we do not apprehend nor experience the divine keeping in its most blessed and fullest reality, unless we find it in Jesus, who is ‘able to keep us from falling, and to present us faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.’. This “keeping” must be done, because all spiritual life and living actions issue from the heart. Think what your heart now is, and what must be the consequence of remitting your vigilance in watching over it. 2. Unless we can tell the beleaguered heart, ‘The Lord is thy Keeper; He will keep thee from all evil; He will keep thy soul,’ we only add one more impossible command to a man’s burden. The mind is passive in receiving its notices of things, whether pure or impure; but it is active in its determination, whether to harbour or discard them. The human temper is to be considered as a system, the parts of which have a mutual dependence on each other. By the original constitution of man’s nature, God was the object of his affection. The duty here enjoined. We need a fixed light to steer towards, which is stable on the stable shore, and is not tossing up and down on our decks. Keep it from getting evil, as a garden is kept: keep it from doing evil, as the sea is kept at bay from reclaimed netherlands. As the living stream issues from the physical heart in its normal, healthy condition, to vitalize and nourish every part of the body, so from the pure healthy heart (tropically) go forth good feelings, purposes, thoughts, words, and actions, all of which, as they spring from the inner life of the soul, tend to conserve and increase that life more and more, and to secure as a final result eternal life. In everything pertaining to human greatness and human happiness, to moral and Christian character, to final salvation, the heart is more than the head. I. To begin with belief. We may call in our fear to subdue our anger. What can outward means avail in lessening the terrors of guilt in an awakened conscience, or in calming the fears of an approaching judgment? Is it not in our remissness? Rijker, nuttiger, heerlijker spreuk kan men zich nauwelijks voorstellen.. Check them at once, when we discover them to have taken a wrong course. Truly, if “a man may give all his goods to feed the poor, and his body to be burned, and, after all, be no better than sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal,” because his actions proceed not from a principle of love in the heart, we are called upon to watch over our hearts with all imaginable care, that they be duly stored with all that is good. How far is the practice apt to be governed by the inclination of the heart without the concurrence of the judgment, or even in opposition to it? 1. ]:” so then may the weakest of us triumph, if we call in our blessed Lord to our aid: for “through Christ strengthening us, we can do all things [Note: Philippians 4:13.].”]. Out of this heart are the “issues,” the flowings or streams, of life. TOP 10 des citations Français (de célébrités, de films ou d'internautes) et proverbes Français classés par auteur, thématique, nationalité et par culture. ‘He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city broken down and without walls.’. Het ene is zo nauw aan het andere verbonden, dat het niet alleen kan zijn. All the other powers of the soul must also be kept; for influences deteriorating or elevating are being hourly exercised upon them. * Mat 5:14 Mat 5:15 Fil 2:15 ** 2 Sam 23:4 19 Calea celor răi este ca întunericul * gros: ei nu văd de ce se vor poticni. Recommend the duty to serious attention. Above all, endeavour to know your own heart, your particular weakness: knowing it, watch that point carefully. There is no effectual guarding unless God guards. The error, however, both of judgment and practice is really due to the corruption of the heart. He who knows any thing of himself, knows how apt his affections are to go astray. Many regard thought as exempted from all control. (Christian Age.). Adultery, and murder, and theft, with many other evils, might be supposed to arise rather out of external circumstances connected with our outward man: but they are all traced by our blessed Lord to the heart: “From within, out of the heart of man, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these things come from within [Note: Mark 7:21-23. Keep thy heart with all [ mikaal (H3605)] diligence. It is in our power to determine what suggestions we will fix our minds upon. We cannot just put our finger on where it is, or say precisely what it is; but oh, how well you know when your heart bounds with joy, or when it grips together with sharp pain, sorrow, disappointment! Watch with all diligence, that this fountain be not sealed up, nor these streams of life be cut off. There is a something within a child with which he thinks and loves, hates and wishes, and that something the Bible calls our heart. To our own endeavours for regulating our passions, let us join earnest prayer to God. Peter was an expert in such matters, for he had had a bitter experience to teach him how soon and surely self-confidence became self-despair. II. It is the life that I have to live that should make my heart; it is my circumstances, my fortunes. 27. Many a schoolboy can describe the continents and islands of the earth, trace out the intricacies of the planetary system, naming suns and moons and stars, who would stand abashed should you ask him the number of bones in the human body, or to trace out the marvellous nervous system that God has given him. Mark or attend unto, inquire into and study the heart. A race is not to be won without straining every nerve: an adversary, whether in fight or in wrestling, is not to be overcome without putting forth all our strength. Knowledge is one thing and grace another. Be upon your guard against those vain excursions of the soul that eat out all the life and spirit of devotion. 2. Murder itself is not accounted murder, if it was not attended with a purpose of heart to injure and destroy. ), I. Even our bodily hearts, I suppose, physicians would tell us, we do not take half care enough of. It is vain to preach self-governing and self-keeping. 5. 3. If the principle of the action be defective or vitiated, the action cannot be otherwise. Men do not follow their thinkings, but their feelings, yet there are teachers proclaiming a religion of pure intellect, excluding the passions or feelings of the soul. II. The germs of the ultimate character can often be detected in the child. The suggestive saying, “Out of (the heart) are the issues of life.”, 1. Out of that, and that alone, are the issues of life. How many of us do it? Thoughts and feelings themselves, apart from actions, are all either good or evil. What is meant is the issues of our future never-ending existence. III. 1. Positive. A scrupulous conscience and thorough transparency of character are all-important. The will of man must submit to God’s will, for God’s wisdom and goodness are necessities of his being. He is the man of worth, he only is truly so, who can hazard an appeal to the Searcher of Hearts, that he does not indulge any vicious affection within him, but makes it his constant business to purify the heart. As long as we consist of bodies and souls, we cannot always be thinking of serious things. If you would keep your hearts, be often calling them to account. And we can do a great deal to control the moral states of the heart; we are responsible for them. It will be found that all the more grievous falls of the tempted soul come from this--that the keeping of the heart has been neglected, that the evil has not been nipped in the bud. And these are specially concerned in the service of God, for if man fulfils his end, God is the choice of his will and the object of his affection. The “issues of life,” in outward condition, depend most of all on the heart within us. 1. It is when the enemy sees that new succours have, in some mysterious way, been introduced, that he gives up his siege.
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