Also see model essays and tips for writing task 2. Tourism Essay– Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years.It’s an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In addition, a large amount of money around the tourism business contrasts the tendency of some countries to close their border to foreign people. Your... what type of essay is this? However, the damage tourism can cause to local cultures and the environment is often ignored. However, this statement does not fully hold water. Tourism is an ever growing industry. Some people disagree; they think… Also, they help to support local people from unemployment - especially in small and poor countries, giving them the chance to survive. To sum up I would like to say that the future of international tourism completely depends on people themselves and their correct and acceptable behaviour in overseas countries. Many cities are replacing cars with bicycles. Tourism essay ielts >>> click here Primer synthesis india Writers at work the essay free download free: 1-888-698-3760 impediments described simultaneously on illegal downloading the advice and time music downloading the equivalent spread from scratch we hope and alarm warning colors you click the ago seminal good argumentative essay tools. In this context, it is worth mentioning that, by enforcing stern law and order and implementing strict legislations, governments can control most of these negative impacts of tourism. IELTS essays are not like the academic essays that you write in university level courses. thrives on tourism and we can clearly notice the difference between the people’s attitude towards each other in these places as compared to others. For example, the number of, Secondly, many people also claimed that the influx of foreign tourists will increase the social problems such as, In conclusion, I believe that if we look at the overall picture of international, IELTS Writing Task 2 - Image is a more powerful way of Communicating (Band 9), Forests are the lungs of the earth (Band 9), Free IELTS Model Answers for Academic and General Writing tasks. Social Interaction & the Internet 6. This allows host country to get rich income. All the key information you need to know. Impact Of Tourism On The Tourism Industry 875 Words | 4 Pages. It will also elicit how local communities can be benefited of such a growth based on jobs opportunities and cultural exchange. Some would argue that tourism is threatening the survival of local culture, so it should be restricted in some places, while others believe we should not blame tourism for the changes that always happen inevitably. Many tourists are drawn to the most stunning areas of a country, however, they rarely consider the long-term effects of their visit and contribute to environmental pollution. However, people tend to ignore the economics and social benefits brought upon by these developments. Some people prefer to wake up in... Yasser - December 2, 2016 - Thanks Atul for such kind of amazing and helpful site. A good example of this would be the recent outbreak of Coronavirus in China and the re… Band 8 IELTS essay … Which do you prefer to do and why? Advertising 2. What should be done to ensure healthy tourism takes place. Furthermore, tourists don't respect foreign habits and cultures, often because they don't understand it. What is boon in disguise? Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages? The above discussion shows that it not only provides one with the opportunity to know about other cultures, languages, history but also enhance the possibility to learn and experience the first-hand experience many realities. The growth in the number of incoming tourists leads to innumerable prospects in terms of local entrepreneurship & employment generation. For instance, countries like Maldives, Thailand, India (Goa) etc. The tourism industry has emerged as one of the biggest industry in the world, providing jobs to millions. Secondly, the language barrier can lead to misunderstandings. For examples, tress were cut down so that hotels can be constructed; old heritage sites were demolished and replaced by new shopping malls; local residence, especially the aboriginals, have to be relocated so that their land can be used for new airport. For unlimited feedback with speaking and writing tasks sign up for IELTS Twenty20 Online Course today! Rich tourists in developing countries are the source of displeasure, aggression, misunderstanding and tension from native people. Through a person can get the practical reality and this will possible with the help of African peoples and their government. However, the damage tourism can cause to local cultures and the environment is often ignored. Now we shall move on from speaking and instead look at the IELTS writing test. IELTS Sample Essays: Task 2, General Training, Task 1, On Health, Education, Band 8, Band 9, Essay Format; What should I write in an IELTS essay? The economic boost that accompanies a successful travel industry is quite well recognised and Thailand is the best example. Infact your sentence indicates that you consider human trafficking to be antisocial (and not a crime)? The local population are also affected by the growth in property value indices. Specifically –. I do not agree that international tourism creates tension; in fact, it brings different culture together. The haven’t ask the opinion or your view so is it correct to write “personally” or “I” in the sample writing of 8 band ? It’s a healthy excises if we do it’s in daily life .We need just rotate the pedal with our foot step to ride the bicycle.Here we can gain petrol cash ,sound and air pollution some of the demerits are we can not travel more than 2 people in a bicycle ,as well as we can not useful at emergency cases To conclude that both car and bicycle are a important to our daily life .They have their on importance depends upon situation that occur, If you need a score or detailed feedback for your writing tasks, please submit your task using the “Submit task for review” button on this screen or use this link: This evident situation has become the result of great migration among people all over the world. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. First of all, many people argue that many local inhabitants have been sacrificed in order to make way for the development of tourist attractions. Thirdly, tourists are often hassled to buy goods, which can ruin a holiday. Task 2: IELTS Writing Task 2 – T he format, the 5 question types, the 5 step essay writing strategy & sample questions. Finally, if you have written the overview in the intro then do not repeat it again in the summary, and vice versa. Paying Taxes 13. Tourism Industry Ielts Essay the solutions to your Academic problems. For example, the number of jobs created by the constructions of hotels and shopping malls could stimulate the economic growth of a nation and benefit the both the people and the nation as a whole. Nowadays, tourism plays an important role for developing countries. Consequently, many countries have rapidly developed their tourism industries to cash in on this trend. Are there negative or positive impacts? Before you start writing your essay, you should always spend 1-2 minutes on producing ideas for your answer. Visitors may mistakenly act contrary to local norms, or they may just be plain offensive, as many drunken British holidaymakers must seem to the Spanish. IELTS Writing: Sample essay - complete (with linkers and lexical chains): Over the last few decades, low cost airfares have made global travel ever more accessible and affordable. House. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. IELTS Exam – Chennai – August 22, 2016 – Saravanakumar, IELTS Exam – Saudi Arabia – Yasser – December 2, 2016,,,,,,,, IELTS Model Answer: Countries must invest resources on the young population, IELTS Model Answer: Living in big cities is bad for people’s health, IELTS Model Answer: Technology makes life complex, IELTS Model Essay: All people will choose to talk the same global language in the future, IELTS Model Essay: Countries should invest resources on the young population, Registered Migration Agent (Australia) MARN 2016128, Wisekangaroo Pty Ltd (ABN: 86 159 373 770). It is fine to use an idiom or phrase if the context is appropriate. 1 Tourism essays 1. Is it a positive or negative development for local people and the local environment? International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. Here is a band 8 IELTS essay on this topic written by one of our students. Moreover, International tourism aids in learning foreign languages. In my opinion, despite some newsworthy incidents, the vast majority of tourist interactions are positive. Part 1: IELTS Exam – Singapore – Michele – January 16, 2017, IELTS Exam – Sydney – September 24, 2016 – Sumandeep, IELTS Exam – Uzbekistan – October 7, 2016 – Alex. To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. thrives on tourism and we can clearly notice the difference between the people’s attitude towards each other in these places as compared to others. The reason that many have turned against tourism as a means of soft power is the memorable disputes that naturally arise. I have seen Zebras in discovery channel videos and would like to visit the central African forest reserve to examine and discover more about this animal. IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Discussion on problems created by the growing gap between rich and poor. Good cultural values which are absent from one's own society can be adapted from other societies. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. International tourism helps people in experiencing the natural beauty which could not be found in their country. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? It will also elicit how local communities can be benefited of such a growth based on jobs opportunities and cultural exchange. Airline Tax 7. Similarly, many tourists come to India to seek spiritual guidance and to learn yoga, which they might not get in their country. I believe, due to increased international travel, people have subdued. Nevertheless, when different cultures meet, they always have a lot of things to compare, accept, value or argue about. Organized tours to remote community and other countries are increasingly popular. How to identify the main topic and all parts of the IELTS writing task essay? There are simply not enoug… Include specific details and examples to … Tourism is about visiting new places with religious, cultural and historical importance. In my view, there are many reasons to think that this will improve international understanding in the peoples’ different cultures. However, while this possibility permits to millions of individuals to encounter different cultures every year, the phenomenon of the international tourism brings also conflicts between people with different habits and costumes. … On the other hand, people got tired of endless tourist streams flowing into their country every year. Type: Academic Tourism is an ever growing industry. “…..increased incidences of criminal behaviour, such as prostitution and human trafficking, and antisocial activities, such as gambling and the use of illegal drugs….”. 32, pp 1-15. Firstly, a foreigner is vulnerable and is often ripped off by locals. Internet vs Newsp… Many people argue that travel broadens the mind. This is also associated with international investments and infrastructure development. A blessing in disguise It’s an idiom We can’t use them in writing. Nowadays, tourism plays an important role for developing countries. A Western traveller to an Arab country is unlikely to consider that the veiling of women is acceptable. Today, tourism industries being the very greatest earning way of money all over the world, mostly of people can easily arrive any place within few hours. Often it is said, that world is becoming smaller, and I believe it is because of this frequent international travel. I would argue that spending a few weeks in another country is not long enough to gain a proper understanding of an alien culture. Does tourism bring more advantages or disadvantages to a country? Task 1. In these types of question you are given one opinion and you then have to state the extent to which you agree or disagree with that opinion: 1. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place or to have fun. You are absolutely correct. Some countries are very close and private, their culture and traditions are very strict and strange for the most of the tourists. While there are a few drawbacks that come into picture when tourism grows in a country, tourism also brings multiple benefits. We have seen many things in TV, internet and movies, but a visit to that place makes us closer to that thing. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences). In the world, every country has its own distinct society and cultures. Write the advantages and disadvantages of Tourism. Human trafficking is definitely a crime and again your sentence does not indicate if you consider it a criminal behaviour? However, there are some problems in international tourism because of misunderstandin g of foreign cultures, habits and religious beliefs. There is no doubt that international tourists have brought a lot of positive impact to many countries. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of tourism before arriving at a conclusion. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Global tourism can lead to hostility from the native people, who may feel their traditional way of life is under threat. as if it is a general truth that “the tourism industry clearly needs the varied, flexible and accessible tourism product that cities provide: it is by no means so clear that cities need tourism” (Urban Tourism Research: Recent progress and current paradoxes, Tourism Management, Vol. The original sentence was a bit confusing. This can lead to a better comprehension of these cultures and so to integration. The manner of behaviour, dress and many others which were brought and shown by foreigners irritates, makes local people angry and unfriendly and not ready to accept and communicate well. Industry Tourism Essay Ielts On. IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Since the second half of the 20th-century people from different countries began to explore the distant countries and various places around the world and it is getting more and more popular to travel a lot and discover unknown lands these days. You will need to discuss both and then come to a conclusion if one outweighs the other. Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. Spending on the Arts 4. Model Answer 3: When people discuss the impacts of international tourism, they have different opinions. My questions were: Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. You can choose your IELTS test dates in over 130... Michele - January 16, 2017 at 8:54 am - Dates: 14 Jan, 16 Jan 2017 Listening: This essay topic is related to tourism. Here is a question that features data about people travelling. "IELTS Sample Answer & IELTS Preparation". International tourism helps people in experiencing the natural beauty which could not be found in their country. Nowadays, tourism makes significant contributions to the economy of a nation;, however it has some drawbacks too. Here is a question that features data about people travelling. Here is a quick chart for IELTS test dates 2015. Egypt is another nation that is heavily dependent on its hospitality sector. If you write the overview in the intro, then start with the phrase “Overall, …” ; when you write it at the end start with “In summary, ….”. Band 8 IELTS essay sample Decreasing airfare and friendly immigration process have made international tours affordable to the common people. In order to prepare well for writing task 2, you should prepare ideas for common topics and then practise applying them to the tasks given (to the essay questions). When a person travels from one country to another, they learn about each other’s culture, cuisine and habits. Banning Smoking 10. This would fall under “advantage / disadvantage essay”. What benefits do you think tourism brings to individuals and society? In a nutshell, I think, international travel alleviates tension between the two nations rather than creating. Local people also often end up disliking foreigners. In fact, tourists prefer to look at different places, costumes and habits like sitting in front of the television screen, watching a documentary, more than sharing time with the indigenous population. – Renting an... IELTS Exam - Sydney - September 24, 2016 - SumandeepToday I have given my Ielts exam 24 sept writing... IELTS Exam - Uzbekistan - October 7, 2016 - AlexAlex, Uzbekistan, Tashkent Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and contributes a great deal to economies around the world. All rights reserved. Finally, Tourism provides the real experience of things and History. Also speaking the language of the place we visit can help us understand people from different cultures.
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