If a member of staff has a concern they should follow their own organisation’s child protection policy and speak to the designated safeguarding lead (or deputy). When you gain consent to share information, it must be explicit and freely given. In May 2018, the DPA 2018 and GDPR came into force and, amongst other provisions, it asks organisations to have clear retention policies. Here are the types of records to keep… Policy statement. Details of any difficulties your child has had at school, e.g. How to obtain student records in the UK. 19. Wherever possible, you should seek consent and be open and honest with the individual from the outset as to why, what, how and with whom, their information will be shared. Ask other parents personal online behaviour that increases the likelihood of, or causes, harm. The guidance also provides a link to a separate document on information sharing which advises adults who are responsible for children on when and how to share personal information legally and professionally. settling in and making friends. A new paragraph has also been added to address contextual safeguarding. Cold sores. If you are a school in England, read what a school will need to do to for a child with diabetes. The FREE Weekly Safeguarding Briefing keeps you up-to-date with information and practical resources. Set clear routines on days off school. Even if they did nothing more than keep a child from reading a mind-opening book, however, they must be addressed, and that is what a speech therapist does in a school environment. Third, when school staff confiscate such items they should also take reasonable steps to ensure their safety, such as storing them in lockers in the staff room. They should be aware that early information sharing is vital for effective identification, assessment and allocation of appropriate service provision. A ‘looked after’ child is defined as a child in the care of the Local Authority or who is being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their social services functions at the time of making an application to the school. Read the full statutory guidance for schools and colleges here. The document is clear that data protection should not get it the way of people sharing information. However, even if the school adheres to all the above, additional complications can arise. You can read more about the case here:  High Court Rules on Retention Period for Child Protection Information, The Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR. Capita Children's Services have stated that the software that was used is designed to keep track of pupils' attendance and the school is able to produce letters to parents based on this information. Information Sharing: Child Protection . The guidance clearly lays out the duties of the DSL which include managing referrals, being a contact between relevant people and agencies inside and outside the school dealing with an abuse case and raising awareness of safeguarding issues generally. Be safe in school. ACE is a charity that gives parents information and advice about education. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Chickenpox. huddersfieldexaminer. For maintained schools, advice should be taken from the Local Authority. Additionally, on the issue of homelessness, early contact with the Local Housing Authority and recognition that for 16 and 17-year-olds homelessness may not be family-based. Parenting in the Digital Age: How Are We doing? No one owned up and because of this they were searched and all phones taken. The updated guidance identifies the DSL as the central figure in dealing with any safeguarding issue. Or might not have somebody in their life they trust. The importance of the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). eRecording Systems (including CPOMS and MyConcern). Rugby player and Child Bereavement UK Patron Will Greenwood writes how rugby, the support of friends and creating a legacy helped after his baby son died in 2002. Other interpretations think that if the data has been created by staff in the school, then they should maintain ownership of it. Guidance (April 2020). The primary school sends photocopies of the records, and keeps the originals until the person's 26th birthday (see below) The primary schools sends the originals to the secondary school, but keeps copies until the person's 26th birthday (see below) For maintained schools, advice should be … This is the ‘myth-buster' answer given in the Data Protection Toolkit for Schools (see Annex 10.1 Safeguarding Myth-Busting). Read more "Each Christmas, the children choose a new tree ornament for Romy." The primary school sends everything the have to the secondary school and keep nothing themselves. look at www.justask.org.uk What is a parent? Whilst there is no definitive statutory guidance, most schools and local authorities use the ‘Information Management Toolkit for Schools’ from the Information and Records Management Society (IRMS). In 2015, there was a High Court case into retention periods after a claimant sought a judicial review against Northumberland County Council on the basis that its policy of retaining child protection files for 35 years following case closure was unlawful. The guidance highlights the importance of reports being taken seriously. Prepare for your child going to school or nursery. References to technology risk has been strengthened throughout the report with online safety issues categorised into three main areas of risk: The new section on sexual harassment between pupils specifically references the importance of managing incidents involving self-generated inducement images, addressing issues like sexting. Where personal information is no longer needed, the school … The guidance highlights that sexual exploitation does not always involve physical contact, but that technology can be used to facilitate sexual exploitation. This retention period was agreed in consultation with the Safeguarding Children Group on the understanding that the principal copy of this information will be found on the Local Authority Social Services record’, Government Guidance: Data Protection Toolkit for Schools. The  Data protection: toolkit for schools will help schools do this. If your child is getting to school on public transport for the first time, find out if any friends live nearby so they can travel together. The following resources to support schools with online safety are listed: There is an emphasis on the importance of schools maintaining written records and transparency surrounding the reporting process. Compulsory school age ceases when the child reaches the age of 16 after the school leaving date, but before the If your child has chickenpox, keep them off school until all the spots have crusted over.. What If The Information You Want Involves Information About Another person? The guidance from the IRMS (above) has now been included in Government guidance:  Data protection: toolkit for schools (see page 31); and the Data protection: annual review checklist  The toolkit says, ‘Long term, until the child is 25 years of age or older, for instances where detailed information about activities in school may form an important part of safeguarding for that individual'. Despite obligations on organisations to keep the information they hold safe and secure according to the Data Protection Act 1998 and, more recently, the GDPR, the guidance stipulates that fears about sharing information cannot be allowed to stand in the way of the need to promote the welfare and protect the safety of children. If your child is permanently excluded, you can contact the School Exclusion Project - especially if your child has special educational needs or a disability. If your child is bullied, you should tell the school straight away. For information about data protection in Haringey Council and accessing or correcting the personal data we hold, visit our Data Protection page Back to top No – you do not necessarily need consent to share personal information. If you feel annoyed by anything try to keep a calm head as you will be seeing a lot of them over the years your child is at primary school. Speech and language problems have been shown to contribute to crime and poverty. Clear guidelines for the retention, storage and destruction of child protection records are also required as part of safeguarding policies and procedures. Why does retention differ around the country? So along with the Health Conditions in School Alliance, we’re in conversation with the government to make sure every child gets the care they need in school. However, if they have a fever, keep them off school until the fever goes. In 2010, the then Department for Children, Schools and Families, published the statutory guidance, ‘Safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education' (DCSF, 2010). Coughs and colds. The records you keep can provide specific details and documentation when you’re talking about the resources your child needs to succeed in school. There is no statutory guidance which offers clarity on this issue. The data protection actgives all school students, regardless of age, the right of access to their school pupil records. Staff in the civil nuclear, chemical and telecommunications sectors. Use every opportunity to keep in contact with the school - this may be more difficult now that classes are bigger and your child has many different subject teachers. a school management information system, currently developed by Capita.It is the most widely used MIS in UK schools, [citation needed] claiming over 80% market share across the primary and secondary sectors. This should include dates, times and details of the incident together with any witnesses Write a note to the class teacher or head of year, explaining that the problem is still unresolved and ask for their support in helping to tackle this. News. The child is at risk of being radicalised or exploited. The data protection act 1998, in regards to school records and student information, does not specify an age at which a child can legally request a copy of their record. State-funded schools are funded by taxes, so you won’t have to pay any school fees, and your child will benefit from making friends with locals, which gives them the opportunity to really experience British culture. At Early Learners' we have record keeping systems in place that meet legal requirements; the means we use to store and share that information takes place within the framework of the Data Protection Act … It is vital for you to understand your legal responsibilities under data protection law, as everyone working in the education sector has a duty to ensure their school complies.The contents of this guide are: 1. The Department for Education (DfE) has legal powers to collect pupil, child and workforce data that schools, local authorities and awarding bodies hold.For more information on … A Guide to Children, Social Services & Legal Proceedings Download Guide Reasons to choose Wilson Browne. When practitioners plan for the transition from a pre-school setting to primary school they need to take into consideration the needs and wellbeing of each individual child involved, especially the children that have additional support needs (ASN). In the UK, it is entirely legal to educate your child at home and it can be done either full or part-time. This is called police protection. 504 plans are often used for children who do not qualify for an IEP. Help your child to find someone to look up to; a relative, friend or celebrity. Parents could risk being fined if they refuse to send their children back to school - here's all the official reasons why you are allowed to keep your child at home. On this page you will find important safeguarding information. In one school, careful recording of concerns and wider information about a child in a timeline helped staff to identify increasing evidence of neglect. Encourage your child to … Examples of how and when schools can make reasonable steps to provide information in alternative formats include: providing a school's annual report, quarterly newsletter or your child's school report in Braille, large print, 'easy-read' or on CD Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) are panels made up of various agencies. There are over one million children in school right now who manage lifelong medical conditions. being exposed to illegal, inappropriate or harmful material. Search. This particularly applies to honesty with the child reporting, for example, not promising to keep the conversation confidential when … In the majority of cases, a child’s biological parents have the rights The good news is that reopening schools for in-person learning does not seem to significantly increase community transmission of … “directory information” about the student (name, address, phone number, and other information that typically appears in school yearbooks) additional, more personal identifying information, including the student’s birth date and social security number; the parents’ or guardians’ names and contact information This statement was retained in the first edition of ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education (April 2014)', but from the 2015 onwards, the word ‘copied' was removed and the paragraph in the answer below inserted. 2. If it is a specific food such peanuts, then download and take in our nut allergy Factsheet. Well-meaning parents will often find that efforts to encourage … Children should be assured that there is no shame or burden in coming forward. If your child’s school does not offer counselling, or your child would not feel comfortable seeing a counsellor at school, you can use our guide below to help you access it elsewhere. The information on this website is solely for informational purposes. Academies, Free Schools and Independent Schools should consult with their legal provider. That means: up to $6,765 per child under age 6 and Utilities, communication and financial services. If you think a child might be being abused but they haven't said anything to you, there are things you can do which can help. I'm sure I did read somewhere that there was statutory guidance which said we should keep a copy of the child protection file? Sections 21 and 175 of the Education Act 2002 detail how governing bodies of maintained schools must support the wellbeing of students and take responsibility of safeguarding of children at the school. There is an emphasis on the importance of schools maintaining written records and transparency surrounding the reporting process. You have a duty to ensure the information is passed on to DCPC and possibly other agencies in order to keep the child safe. Published 2 July 2020 Last updated 22 February 2021 + … There may be some circumstances where it is not appropriate to seek consent because the individual cannot give consent, or it is not reasonable to obtain consent, or because to gain consent would put a child’s or young person’s safety at risk. If this is offered by your child’s school, talk to their teacher about making a referral. The schools may even be equipped enough to have the Professionals’ needed to work the care plan for the child visits them in the school environment. Understanding UK state schools. This particularly applies to honesty with the child reporting, for example, not promising to keep the conversation confidential when it may have to be reported to other services. The Data Protection Act 1998 came into force on 1 March 2000. The updated guidance places a new stress on early intervention. To help them do this, they have certain rights. If your child has come to the attention of the Social Services and they are telling you that they are worried that your child is at risk of suffering from harm, keep reading. Search for: Search button. The Department for Education has revised its statutory guidance for schools and colleges, Keeping children safe in education. follow up any complaint or concern expressed about child abuse; report their concerns to the local authority; in serious cases, take a child away for 72 hours to keep the child safe. The Education Act 2002. ... • Keep a record of your decision and the reasons for it – whether it is to share information or not. ... when the child does not have sufficient understanding to exercise the rights him or herself, or when it is evident that this is in the best interests of the child. SIMS (School Information Management System) is a student information system, i.e. When a child is no longer attending a school, for whatever reason, their data can be viewed for historical reasons but is generally hidden from view in the day-to-day running of the school. school accessibility; and parental information; Information for parents in alternative formats. (Appendix 3). You can find more information about Parental Responsibility here. Does the MSIX Consolidated Student Record contain information from every school a migrant child has ever attended? Information about what your child is good at or enjoys doing. The staff member is encouraged to listen, not judge and avoid asking leading questions. Here are the types of records to keep—and why they’re important. We’ve pulled out some of the key updates for schools. It can require: They contain confidential information, such as the registration form, contractual records and parental consent forms, as well as records regarding work undertaken with the family. 18. The UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. Your child's school file is a valuable way of finding out what has been going on in class. Appendix 3 of that document said, ‘Where children leave the establishment, ensure their child protection file is copied for new establishment as soon as possible but transferred separately from the main pupil file'. At the time of writing, this does not mean that the data is transferred, it simply means that the previous school relinquish access, and access rights are transferred to the new school; the data is kept intact. Should MSIX have information on a child if he or she was enrolled in the MEP, but not in a school? There's no need to keep your child off school if they have a cold sore.. This is usually about 5 days after the spots first appeared. Local practice has developed over time, and there are essentially three types of retention that I come across. As a general rule, only those with Parental Responsibility will have the right of access to information about a child’s educational, medical and Children’s Services records. 21. Neither Parenting Today, LLC nor Dr. Myers nor any of the editors, columnists or authors take responsibility for any possible consequences from any action taken which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. Data we collect. What does Keeping Children Safe in Education (2018) say? Keeping all of your child’s school records can help you see trends and patterns over time. There are a lot of things that your teacher couldn’t keep confidential that we can. Fair Processing and Privacy Notice… If you can’t attend, give the school a call and ask for the information … The statutory guidance for schools says that DSLs should ensure that records are transferred ‘to the new school or college as soon as possible, ensuring secure transit, and confirmation of receipt should be obtained' (paragraph 79). Talk to the child Most children who're being abused find it very difficult to talk about. Being a parent in law is not always the same as being the biological parent, being on the birth certificate, raising or loving a child. Childline’s confidentiality is different from school. If you or your child develop symptoms, arrange a PCR test for your child online or call 119. Evidence of his/her achievements. Should we use a school YouTube Channel for uploading videos? 20. Who can request a copy of a MSIX Consolidated Student Record?
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