Hyperesthesia – excessive physical sensitivity, especially of the skin. Thallium toxicity is frequently overlooked by traditional medical practitioners and even most detox ‘experts.’ Thallium bioacculumates, meaning, it builds up in the body over time. Thallium Poisoning. Thallium toxicity can affect almost every part of your body because of its highly toxic effects on the nervous system, here are some of these effects in terms of possible symptoms: Loss of the use of your legs or partial paralysis of the legs. Thallium is the element rat poison and industrial waste. Thallium is a metal element widely used in electronics. It usually is combined with an exercise stress test on a treadmill or stationary bicycle. Despite its toxicity, thallium has a number of commercial and industrial uses, although consumers do not interact with it directly. A thallium stress test is a nuclear imaging study that shows how well blood flows to the heart muscle. Thallium Poisoning is a medical condition caused by exposure and ingestion of thallium which is a soft and malleable metal that was usually used to poison rats. Thallium toxicity is likely more common in developing countries where thallium rodenticides are still in use, but few data exist as to the incidence of thallium poisoning outside the United States. In one case, a 23-year-old woman presented to … The initial symptoms of thallium poisoning may include fever, gastrointestinal problems, … 4 [ 17 , 8 ] The symptomatology of its toxicity is usually nonspecific due to the multi-organ involvement. Thallium can be absorbed from the skin as well as be ingested or inhaled. Thallium is released into the environment through its use in rat poison in the manufacture of special glass, fluorescent colors and synthetic gemstones. Thallium Poisoning Diagnosis Diagnosis is made through undergoing blood tests and urine tests to determine the presence and level of the thallium … Laboratory findings for thallium toxicity may be unremarkable, so diagnosis relies on a skilled physician recognizing the symptoms. Thallium poisoning is one of the most complex and serious toxicities known to man. It was once dubbed “Inheritance Powder” due to the ease with which poisoners used it to bump off relatives. Thallium is a highly toxic metallic chemical element which is classified among the poor metals. Thallium is a highly toxic metal once widely used in rat poisons and insecticides, but that use has been banned in the United States for many years. Thallium poisoning is associated with these environment exposures. If a significant amount (significant poisoning is usually defined as ingesting over 1 gram of thallium, or over 8 milligrams per kilogram of body weight) of thallium enters the body, symptoms of thallium poisoning develop. It … When a test for thallium toxicity is conducted, the results often don’t register at levels considered poisonous (6).
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