In most cases, it is a give and take relationship, where humans offer protection to a vulnerable animal, and the animal gives back love and company. Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. People keep animals as pets for companionship. Its okay to put clothes on when you have the doctor's permission, like when they have less fur and need clothes to keep them warm. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. We are the best judges of our own actions. I feel that as long as the pet isn't dangerous or harmful it is fine, i understand that they can cost allot to look after, but if you live alone a pet is an ideal companion, i would train my pets not to wreck the house :) and then they're absolutely fine! A pet owner myself, I began to introspect. Humans have been masters of other species for so long that they just do not question whether they have the right to keep them captive. Animals should be kept as pets. That is my choice on this subject. If you think it's a waste of time and money, then don't buy them. Would you like to write for us? Do not hold them in cages or cut off their wings. What if a dog would randomly walk around in the street and just take your child as a pet. All they need is a little attention, our love and care. Yes, they are all alone, they feel bored, they can't eat. This process took hundreds or thousands of years to develop specific features that helped them to adapt to what nature o… Just because a few nutty people keep unsuitable animals, doesn’t mean keeping pets should be banned. It has wings. This has made them dependent on human companionship to some extent. Adopting a cat or dog as a pet does no harm as long as you remain true to your responsibility of owning a pet. There are many varieties of parrots and similar exotic birds kept as pets. Before bringing home a pet, consider if it is ethically and legally right to bring home that particular species. Train them to come back to you in the evening and fly free to their heart’s content during the day. It is unfair to the animal. Many people who bring home snakes, turtles, iguanas, lizards and other such out of the ordinary animals as pets forget one thing – these animals require a lot of care and attention. If lesser people go, they might stop it because its not popular and we could save them! We believe we can do this because they are not as intelligent as us and that's true but we shouldn't be taking advantage of that fact. Cats in Hotter countries eg Italy is a higher amount of cats. They will be able to protect you like tigers wolves and bears. Some go to the extent of bringing home pets that are termed as aristocratic breeds whose lineage boasts of fathers or mothers who had supposedly won some kind of animal championship. Animals give us pure solace and support. If your feeling sad think about the funny things a cat has done. As many people know, having wild animals as pets is becoming more popular, but should not be taken in. What Are the Most Affordable Pet Insurance Companies? Who would want that? Cats and dogs have lived in and around human company since centuries. Pets are loving, caring and are just wonderful. Pet's can be very good for kids, it can help kids that don't have very many or no friends. Get in touch with us and we'll talk... Wild animals look extremely cute as babies. So if hunters get them because you chuck them outside, let endangered species die out because you haven't kept them save don't blame it on me, blame it on yourself. The following article shall touch this sensitive subject and provide an overview on should we keep animals as pets. These are dangerous diseases so I would rather not have a wild animal as A pet and never will no matter what. (Board Tenn, Sept 1,2013 K2G41GH) Answer: Before bringing a pet in the house, we should remember that these animals can neither speak nor express as humans. I agree with them to a certain extent. But, once they grow-up, they become powerful and ferocious. Cooing and cuddling my pet cat gives me immense pleasure. Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! This made me wonder if we have the right to keep animals as pets. Domesticating exotic and endangered wild animals may take a lot of time. They not only provide you with revenue, but also help keep you company. What Pet Magazines Are Worth My Time and Money? More explanation of their situation is provided further on. Keeping animals as pets can be a source of cheering up our mood when we dull or depressed. Do they feel bored? They are not programmed or born to serve you as a pet. THERE WAS A GIRL IN CT WHO OWNED A CHIMP AND HE WAS NEVER VIOLENT BUT ONE DAY HE RIPPED HER BEST FRIENDS FACE OFF! is not the best thing to do. Yes, they may actually show some affection towards us but only because we have trained them to and the reason we have trained them is for our own pleasure. While keeping pets at home, what all things should be kept in mind ? Treat every creature the way you want others to treat you, that is with respect and sensitivity. By using this site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. They are cute and childlike but are not a substitute for human babies. Hedgehogs. Why? Their food requirements are different from the requirements of a cat or dog. Some people are not satisfied with the idea of keeping a cat or dog at home. But if the owner of they wild animal can not take care of the animal it should be took for the owner and put some where safe. In such a situation people do tame the animal to protect the species. Doing so poses serious risks to family, friends, neighbors, and the general public. As a pet owner we should know that there are a number of dangers that lurk in our households for these little creatures. The pets can help be a friend to the child and make the child more happy about there life. Its good having them around as they are very lively! Wild animals like lions, tigers and bears are not considered to be good house pets like a dog or a cat (which are considered domestics animals). He is ‘my precious’ and I don’t suppose there is anybody in this world I love as much as my ‘Peppers’. You can share their deepest thoughts and disappointments with their pets without having to fear your secrets will ever be revealed. You can’t take it along for your shopping trips or picnics. What do they eat? If you feel down you have a pet dog to cheer you up. SO NO! Bringing home wolves as pets is a wrong idea. Alligators and Crocodiles. Animals require care, support, and love. As you can see, our right to keep animals is debatable. Wild animals can spread diseases and also can kill us. Animals are cute, but not all are domesticated to own as pets. But bringing home a pet animal gives us a different feeling altogether. It is relaxing for me,enough to forget my troubles and go and have some fun with the outside world again. Domesticated cats are probably the most popular animal kept as pets on Earth, and at least within the USA, it is a common practice to keep cats exclusively as house pets, which is a practice (intelligently), promoted and recommended by many vets, animal rescues, and animal rights organizations for the safety of the cat as well as outdoor wildlife. I went to SPCA and learnt a lot. Why People Should Not Be Allowed to Keep Exotic Animals as Pets Wild nature is home for hundreds of thousands of species, many of which are exotic and/or close to extinction. And the final judgment passed will label the animal as too dangerous to keep around humans or be called a man-eater. If released in the wild, it may not have learned survival tricks of the jungle as it was always under human care. This notion will be explained further in the following paragraphs. Most of these poor souls end up living in cramped cages or aquariums. They are terrible creatures and all they deserve is torture. Animal lovers around the world often debate on whether we have the right to keep animals as pets, or not. I think that wild animals should be able to be pets. This makes them even more wild and ferocious. It is not rare for big cats to maul their owners or for chimpanzees to attack in a quest to achieve freedom. People who live a lonely existence, the elderly, sick, shy, and the reserved, may find that a pet takes away their loneliness. These wings are not for show, but to soar high in the sky. Wild animals can harm humans and spread diseases. They may not harm you as they have known you all their lives. Many are kept in inhumane conditions or forced to breed in captivity to fulfill your cravings of owning a dangerous or exotic pet. Its not safe for us or the animals!! Dangerous and endangered animals such as chimpanzees, pythons, big cats, crocodiles, etc., do NOT belong in a domestic environment, and shouldn’t be kept as pets. We can keep tamed animals, like cats, dogs, fishes, rabbits etc. And from what i learned from the web is that it is more natural for the animals to have been born around human society so that way they are more used to people and they wont get scared or frightened by them and they wont hurt people when they come near them! True, but won’t you prefer it lives in its own natural environment rather than the small living space provided by you? Wild animals always remain wild; they cannot be tamed. In fact, it is illegal to keep wild animals as pets. Wild animals need appropriate care and expertise in handling them. They continue to circle endlessly trying to contain their free-will. A dog wagging its tail the minute it sets it eyes on me, is one of the happiest moments of my life. If you feel your actions will not cause harm to another being’s life, think about getting home a pet. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. And there are some who would rather be living in the wild, than the four walls of our warm houses. Just another 8 hours 'til my master gets back. Some will just be a fun sight to see, like deer, kangaroos, and monkeys. These are the most common arguments in favor and against zoos. They need special living conditions and this may lead to increase in financial costs of keeping a pet. Never abuse a pet or treat it badly. When it comes to freedom for these animals, they are mostly allowed to live in an unrestricted environment. Please share this and make a difference!!! Zoos are not like the exotic animal menageries from the middle ages. I do not think it is wrong to keep animals as pets, however, we need to keep in mind the scenarios wherein it is not only morally and ethically wrong, but legally wrong to bring home an animal as a pet. There is a good case for the government stopping people keeping large exotic animals like tigers. Pros of zoos. Veterinary care as well as provision of nutritious food should be taken care of. Cats have adapted to Humans and in places where they are populated they need humans to keep them safe from diseases and Hunters Without them cats would suffer horribly. Keeping wildlife in a house or on a small farm is illegal in most areas. I bet most people have been to a zoo and enjoyed the various sights of monkeys and lions. In short terms,they help me. Research is also needed to find out the laws pertaining to keeping wild animals as pets -- just because you can find a wild animal as a pet does not mean it is legal. However, when they are agitated, threatened, or hungry, they may often resort to their real wild instincts. I find many people argue against keeping dogs and cats as pets. Even circuses can have wild animals for showing. If and when this happens, they will usually disparage their owners by way of poisoning or even death. No, because they only bring problems and irritation with their stinky appearance and they don't bring anything good, just a waste of time and money. You can even drop into an animal rescue shelter or dog pound. Wild animals shouldn't be kept as pets, but domestic animals make no problems. There are animals that require our care and shelter. Would you like it if your parents or sibling were taken just so they can be forced to live in cages and be sold to people? Also, make sure you are ready for a life-long commitment. If you wish to adopt a pet dog or cat, look around. All a fish does everyday is swim around..In a tiny bowl...Alone all day.Don't get me wrong though guide dogs, police dogs..Etc, are very useful in many different situations.Also many people go to extremes with their pets...Parading them around in little costumes they barely fit in. as pets. If you have a farm, there is nothing wrong in keeping farm animals such as cows, goats, etc. In conclusion, it should be stated that keeping wild exotic animals as pets is not just dangerous and expensive, but also very cruel. You will find many abandoned animals that are well-trained and in need of a warm house. From their dietary requirements and living preferences, to the best ways to handle/bond with them… it is essential that you learn the ins and outs of these creatures, so you can offer them the best quality of life. Such animals include several reptiles, rodents, frogs, unconventional felines, such as the serval, fennec foxes, guinea pigs, etc. This idea is highly welcome as some animals are said to be greatly diminishing in number due to various ecological reasons. These are sensible steps but a long way from saying no one should keep a pet. When it comes to keeping birds, I am strictly against holding a bird in a cage. I think that it would be an awesome time to spend with a wild animal. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Hedgehogs might be adorable and playful, but New York City, Arizona, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Pennsylvania, and Douglas County, Nebraska, don’t allow them to be kept as pets. I know that some wild animals can be dangerous, but didn't dogs and cats used to be wild also. Many die during this torturous journey. Many have a fetish of owning only purebred dogs and cats. If you think it’s cool to own a leopard or a similar wild cat as a pet, you are wrong. REMEMBER YOUR GOING TO DIE BECAUSE OF THAT STUPID WILD ANIMAL SO JUST GET A DOG, CAT, GINNY PIG, OR A TURTLE. After the famous wildlife conservationist Geral Durrell opened a zoo in Jersey in 1959, zoos all over the world have embraced the mission of saving endangered species in the world. While most people are afraid of alligators and crocodiles and thus, prefer … They have adapted themselves to being around their human counterparts. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. Even an animal that can be friendly and loving can be very dangerous.” The United States Department of Agriculture This prompted me to write some of my views about the pet trade and the right for animals to remain free. STRANGEST Animals People Keep As Pets! And maybe I'l get a few walks on the way" And this is not even just for dogs. There are always two sides to a coin. An important question to answer before we ponder on our rights to keep animals as pets. I totally believe in animals that help people: dogs that help the blind, deaf, had a stroke, police dogs, rescue dogs and general illnesses but that's as far as I believe animals, manly modern domesticated ones should be influenced by human beings. But the animals pay the price. These cookies do not store any personal information. STRANGEST Animals People Keep As Pets! This beautiful animal of the wild will be ultimately kept in a cage. The Pet Pantry: Holistic Pet Food You Can Count On, The Pet Spot: Ohio’s Premiere Boarding Facility. Helping injured stray animals and feeding hungry birds has become a routine for me. If you're feeling blue just go to the zoo. This is an exhaustive topic to argue on. They physically look similar to our very own Alsatians, but are in no way similar in terms of temperament and behavior. Mobile Pet Grooming: What You Need to Know About This Convenient Trend. They are just like a family and much more. People clip the wings off these creatures of the sky and allow them to walk or hop around the house. I think that as long as you have a large enough yard and tall enough fence and if you take care of the animals correctly then you should be able to have them as pets! REMEMBER YOU COULD DIE. Who says to keep wild animals. Wild animals should be kept as pets. And why not? Please, don't go to the dolphin shows just for entertaining, there are plenty of things except for performances. The story explores the reasons as to why wild animals should not be kept as pets. However, these views are limited to domesticated animals such as cats and dogs.
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